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Version: 3.x

Typed Handler Middleware

In this section, we will learn how to use the Typed Handler middleware.

The Typed Handler Middleware allows you to execute different handlers depending on the message type.


Use it when the topic has different message types.

When a message with a given type arrives, the middleware will call the appropriate message handler for that message type.

How Message Type is discovered

The Message Type discovery may vary depending on the implementation.

With Schema Registry

When using a Schema Registry, the schema is read from it, and the first 5 bytes of the message represent the SchemaId registered on the Schema Registry.

Without Schema Registry

Using other serializers with no Schema Registry, the DefaultTypeResolver is used by default. The DefaultTypeResolver uses the header Message-Type to identify the message type based on the Type fully qualified name.

It's also possible to write your own TypeResolver implementing the IMessageTypeResolver interface and using it in the AddSerializer/AddDeserializer method in the consumer/producer middleware.

Configure Typed Handler

There are three ways to add handlers to a consumer:

  • AddHandler<HandlerType>(): adds one handler per call.
  • AddHandlers(IEnumerable<Type> handlers): adds many handlers per call.
  • AddHandlersFromAssemblyOf<HandlerType>(): adds all classes on the given assembly type that implement the IMessageHandler interface.
services.AddKafka(kafka => kafka
.AddCluster(cluster => cluster
.WithBrokers(new[] { "localhost:9092" })
.AddConsumer(consumer => consumer
.AddMiddlewares(middlewares => middlewares
.AddTypedHandlers(handlers => handlers
// or
.AddHandlers( ... )
// or

Create a Message Handler

A message handler can be created by implementing the IMessageHandler<MessageType> interface.

The handler's instance is created by the configured dependency injection container, any handler dependency will be injected through the constructor, and the instance lifetime can be configured in the configuration.


If there's no handler defined for the arriving message, it will be ignored.

public class ProductCreatedHandler : IMessageHandler<ProductCreatedEvent>
public Task Handle(IMessageContext context, ProductCreatedEvent message)

Configuring Handler Lifetime

The Handler lifetime can be configured to one of the following modes:

  • Singleton: A single class instance will be created for the entire application.
  • Scoped: A new class instance will be created for each scope.
  • Transient: A new class instance will be created every time it is requested.

By default, the handler lifetime is Singleton.

Handling No Handler Found event

If there's no handler defined for the arriving message, it will be ignored.

It is possible to handle those events. As an example, the following code writes to the console when a message can't be handled.

services.AddKafka(kafka => kafka
.AddCluster(cluster => cluster
.WithBrokers(new[] { "localhost:9092" })
.AddConsumer(consumer => consumer
.AddMiddlewares(middlewares => middlewares
.AddTypedHandlers(handlers => handlers
.WhenNoHandlerFound(context =>
Console.WriteLine("Message not handled > Partition: {0} | Offset: {1}",