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Environment Variables

Maestro application services could be configured by using the Environment variable. There are two ways of passing the configuration to the service:


LOG_LEVELLevel of log messages to outputEnum: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICALINFO
MONGODB_HOSTMongo Database host URLStringlocalhost
MONGODB_PORTMongo Database portNumber27017
MONGODB_DBMongo Database databaseStringmaestro
SWAGGER_ENABLEDEnables swagger documentation available in /apiBooleanTrue
SCHEDULER_ENABLEDEnables background jobs as a part of API.BooleanTrue


ENABLE_MAESTRO_API_HANDLERSend messages to Maestro API and make them available on the frontend.BooleanTrue
MAESTRO_API_HOSTProvide Maestro API hostStringhttp://localhost:5000
MAESTRO_METRICS_PROCESSING_WORKERSNumber of workers (threads) will process the metrics. Configure it based on the numbers of CPU cores. Run some tests to evaluate the best configuration, but consider starting by (number of CPU - 1)Number7
MAESTRO_METRICS_PROCESSING_BULK_SIZENumber of JMeter metrics in each request to APINumber750
JMETER_IMAGE_BASE_REPORepository from where JMeter image should be pulledString
JMETER_IMAGE_BASE_VERSIONJMeter version to run the test. It also used as tag for pulling repositoryString
JMETER_IMAGE_HEAPJAVA HEAP configuration. Could be different based on machine resourcesString-Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m
JMETER_CONTAINER_NAMEContainer name that would be built per each test runStringmaestrojmeter
HOST_MOUNT_DIRHost machine temporary directory to share the data between running containersString$HOME/.maestro/jmeter
LOG_LEVELLevel of log messages to outputEnum: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICALINFO