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Version: 3.x

IConsumerConfiguration interface

Represents the Consumer configuration values

public interface IConsumerConfiguration


AutoCommitInterval { get; }Gets the interval between commits
AutoMessageCompletion { get; }Gets a value indicating whether if the application should manual complete the message at the end
BufferSize { get; }Gets the buffer size used for each worker
ClusterConfiguration { get; }Gets the cluster configuration
ConsumerName { get; }Gets the consumer name
CustomFactory { get; }Gets the custom factory used to create a new IConsumer
DistributionStrategyFactory { get; }Gets the consumer worker distribution strategy
GroupId { get; }Gets the consumer group
InitialState { get; }Gets the consumer initial state
ManagementDisabled { get; }Gets a value indicating whether the consumer is able to be manageable or not
ManualAssignPartitions { get; }Gets the topic partitions to manually assign
MiddlewaresConfigurations { get; }Gets the consumer middlewares configurations
NoStoreOffsets { get; }Gets a value indicating whether gets a value indicating that no offsets will be stored on Kafka
PartitionsAssignedHandlers { get; }Gets the handlers that will be called when the partitions are assigned
PartitionsRevokedHandlers { get; }Gets the handlers that will be called when the partitions are revoked
PendingOffsetsStatisticsHandlers { get; }Gets the handlers that will be called when there are pending offsets
StatisticsHandlers { get; }Gets the handlers used to collects statistics
Topics { get; }Gets the consumer configured topics
WorkersCountCalculator { get; set; }Gets or sets the workers count calculator
WorkersCountEvaluationInterval { get; }Gets the time interval at which the workers count calculation is re-evaluated.
WorkerStopTimeout { get; }Gets the time that the worker will wait to process the buffered messages before canceling the WorkerStopped
GetKafkaConfig()Parses KafkaFlow configuration to Confluent configuration

See Also