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Version: 3.x

KafkaFlow.Admin assembly

KafkaFlow namespace

public typedescription
static class ClusterConfigurationBuilderExtensionsNo needed

KafkaFlow.Admin namespace

public typedescription
interface IConsumerAdminExpose Consumer administration features
interface ITelemetryStorageUsed to implement a telemetry data storage provider

KafkaFlow.Admin.Messages namespace

public typedescription
class ChangeConsumerWorkersCountA message to change the worker count
class ConsumerTelemetryMetricA message that contains data related to consumers partition assigment
interface IAdminMessageThe interface that every admin message must implement
class PauseConsumerByNameA message that pauses a consumer
class PauseConsumersByGroupThe message that pauses an entire consumer group
class ResetConsumerOffsetThe message that rewind the offset of all partitions/topics of a consumer to the beginning
class RestartConsumerByNameThe message that destroy and recreates the internal consumer
class ResumeConsumerByNameThe message that resume a paused consumer
class ResumeConsumersByGroupThe message that resume a paused consumer group
class RewindConsumerOffsetToDateTimeThe message that rewind a consumer to a point in time
class StartConsumerByNameThe message that starts a consumer
class StopConsumerByNameThe message that stops a consumer