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Farfetch.LoadShedding.Prometheus assembly

Farfetch.LoadShedding namespace

public typedescription
static class IAdaptativeLimiterOptionsExtensionsExtension methods of IAdaptativeLimiterOptions

Farfetch.LoadShedding.Prometheus namespace

public typedescription
class LoadSheddingMetricOptionsRepresents the options for configuring load shedding metrics.
class MetricOptionsRepresents the options for configuring metrics.

Farfetch.LoadShedding.Prometheus.Metrics namespace

public typedescription
class HttpRequestsConcurrencyItemsGaugeRepresents a gauge metric for measuring the Concurrency Items.
class HttpRequestsConcurrencyLimitGaugeRepresents a gauge metric for measuring the current concurrency limit of HTTP requests.
class HttpRequestsQueueItemsGaugeRepresents a gauge metric for measuring the Http Requests Queue Items.
class HttpRequestsQueueLimitGaugeRepresents a gauge metric for measuring the Http Requests Queue Limit.
class HttpRequestsQueueTaskExecutionTimeHistogramRepresents a histogram metric for measuring the Http Requests Queue Task Execution Time.
class HttpRequestsQueueTimeHistogramRepresents a histogram metric for measuring the Http Requests Queue Time.
class HttpRequestsRejectedCounterRepresents a counter metric for measuring the Http Requests Rejected.
abstract class MetricBase<T>Represents the base for a metric class.