Farfetch.LoadShedding assembly
Farfetch.LoadShedding namespace
public type | description |
interface IEvent<TArg> | Represents an Event to be subscribed. |
Farfetch.LoadShedding.Builders namespace
public type | description |
class AdaptativeLimiterBuilder | A Builder to configure an Adaptative Concurrency Limiter. |
Farfetch.LoadShedding.Calculators namespace
public type | description |
interface ILimitCalculator | Represents an interface that is responsible for the abstraction of different types of limit calculators. |
interface IQueueSizeCalculator | Represents an interface that is responsible for the abstraction of different types of queue size calculators. |
Farfetch.LoadShedding.Configurations namespace
public type | description |
class ConcurrencyOptions | Settings to configure the Adaptative Limiter. |
interface IConcurrencyContext | Represents the concurrency context contract. |
Farfetch.LoadShedding.Events namespace
public type | description |
interface IEventSubscription | Represents a reference to the event subscription. |
interface ILoadSheddingEvents | Load Shedding events. |
Farfetch.LoadShedding.Events.Args namespace
public type | description |
class ItemDequeuedEventArgs | Event args for the task dequeued event. |
class ItemEnqueuedEventArgs | Event args for the task enqueued event. |
class ItemEventArgs | Event args for task rejected event. |
class ItemProcessedEventArgs | Event args for task processed event. |
class ItemProcessingEventArgs | Event args for task procssing event. |
class ItemRejectedEventArgs | Event args for task rejected event. |
class LimitChangedEventArgs | Events args for limits changed event. |
Farfetch.LoadShedding.Exceptions namespace
public type | description |
class InvalidConfigurationException | Represents an exception where some configuration is invalid. |
class LimitReachedException | Represents an exception where a maximum limit defined was reached. |
class QueueLimitReachedException | Represents an exception where the queue limit defined was reached. |
class QueueTimeoutException | Represents an exception where the queue timeout defined was reached. |
Farfetch.LoadShedding.Limiters namespace
public type | description |
interface IAdaptativeConcurrencyLimiter | Defines the contract that the limiters should follow. |
Farfetch.LoadShedding.Tasks namespace
public type | description |
enum Priority | Task priorities. |
static class PriorityExtensions | Extension methods of Priority |